In the near future, we intend to make all of our research and development available to all interested parties, in the hopes that our work will help support similar enterprises throughout the world. Everything will be licensed under Creative Commons and available for use without any fees. However at this time, if you would like more media and information about limbART please contact the Project Director.
The Next StepsFrustrated with the fragility of the previous bow-holding contraption, the team put this "rough draft" together as they explore ways to incorporate padding, elastics, and other materials to give the bow hand on the arm some malleability. Our student team made a visit to the Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center for this latest work with our violinist! The team just replaced this placeholder component with a real one! Check it out on the News/Events page.
Prototype Version 2With an efficient arm shape selected and several 3D-printed bases later, the arm was finally usable in a rehearsal and concert setting! Here, our student is practicing at the Capistrano String Institute, presented by The Arts at St. Margaret's in partnership with Community Youth Orchestra of Southern California.
Prototype Version 1Our initial work was focused primarily on determining the appropriate materials to use for the prosthesis, trying out various 3D-printed forms, and experimenting with ways to connect the bow to the arm. Here we are gathered in a classroom at Ardent Academy for Gifted Youth in Irvine, CA.